Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Steve Irwin's Daycare

For the last week I have been determined to catch the tricks which Zach and Fred respectively had most recently acquired. It seemed that every time I would see Zach rolling over, I was in the process of feeding one of the other two, and every time I would see Fred walk, I couldn't get the camera rolling in time. As I've said before, Zach is a little camera shy and doesn't like being watched while performing. Fred similarly gets a little distracted by the camera and finds it difficult to balance while it's making cool beepy sounds.

These two obstacles had kept me from capturing the elusive behavior of these two in their natural element, that is, until today.

I figured since Zach would only roll over when I wasn't looking, I would set up the camera and leave the room for a moment. It worked. He watched me walk out and almost immediately started the legs a kicking.

As far as Fred, it was just a matter of keeping the camera on him and following him until he reached a situation when he was most inclined to walk. It really didn't take all that long, as he is pretty mobile by now, but I happen to have a penchant for effect driven over-dramatization... kinda like another Steve we all used to know and love.

And out of nowhere, here's Amelia...

Have a totally terrific Tuesday.

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