Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Mothership Connection

Being in the presence of a baby for long periods of time leads one develops a supernatural acuity of the senses but only if when such stimuli exude from said child. Much like the emperor penguin of Antarctic, the bond we as parents develop with our babies transcends the normal sensitivity of sensory perception ensuring their overall happiness and survival. I can be standing in the kitchen downstairs on the exact opposite side of the house and still hear a mere whimper from one of the tots. Inversely, when I hear absolutely nothing, I can be sure that one of them is holding something they are not supposed to be.

Of course, we are only human and humans are prone to error. I do have the occasional false alarm where I could swear that I hear one of them crying when they are in fact still fast asleep. This usually results from some type of instrument or vocal from the music I have playing for background noise all day long.

I thought it might be fun to let you know which singers/instruments I sometimes confuse for crying.

I hope that Zach's parents don't get angry at this first comparison, but at one time I swear I heard Zach upstairs when actually it was Michael Bolton singing Christmas carols. I think it has something to do with the way MB strains his high notes and results in this sort of trolling motor overtone to it. Otherwise, they could not be more different from one another (please don't fire me). At other times, I mistook blues chords for his cry. The raspiness of his voice gives just a hint of overdrive distortion. Not so much that he sounds like Metalica or anything, but just enough to make him sound like he's from the Mississippi delta area.

Amelia has a bit more brass to her voice ranging from Miles Davis's signature muted sound to the brassy brass of big band. What really gets me walking up the stairs and back down again shaking my head is the trombone of JJ Johnson. It's got just enough vocal intonation from the slide notes that I am convinced Amelia is sitting up in her crib singing.

Have a musical Tuesday.

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