Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November 27-28

Sorry there was no blog yesterday. Sometimes it seems I have those days when I try to get a couple things done at nap time and a minute later I've got one of the two in the high chair for mealtime again. C'est la vie.

We spent yesterday looking at the Christmas tree (set up in the office, you'll notice, to keep young hands from trying to scale it) and singing Christmas tunes. Amazingly neither Amelia nor Fred had any negative criticisms of my singing.

We got outside briefly to swing on the swing in the backyard. Fred really seems to enjoy being in the swing but we got pretty cold pretty quick and had to come back inside to thaw out. I got some great pictures before we did, though.

Fred napped for about an hour each nap and ate like a champ, of course.

He has been sleeping this morning for about an hour and a half.

Today we are listening to some jazz classics and awaiting the arrival of Ryan and Zachary (the baby who will be staying here starting next week) so that Zach can get acclimated to our home.

Hope you are having a great day.

Monday, November 26, 2007

November 26, 2007

Well, not really too much to report on today. We opted not to venture out for baby laptime on account of the cold and rainy weather but we've been having a lot of fun here, nonetheless. Fred seems to be quite happy and well rested after the long weekend and it appears he must have picked up a new trick in the meantime (see pics below). He showed me how much of a big boy he is by holding his own sippy cup to drink milk at morning feeding time. He napped for about an hour this morning and has been asleep for the last forty minutes or so (1:54 right now). That's one of the nice things about the rainy weather, it's great for sleeping.

Hope your respective days are going well. We'll see you at quiting time.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November 21, 2007

Michael and Olivia,

I have set up this blog as a place I can post pictures and videos for you guys to look at. This way I can give you updates as to what we do in our day and how things are going.

Fred is having a great day today and is really enjoying spending time with Elijah and Nadine's family. Fred is definitely a people person and loves having the additional company.

He ate all of his oranges and drank very well for his morning feeding. He really seems to enjoy drinking from the sippy cup. He had a messy diaper after that, so hopefully he will be a little more regular from here on out.

We transfered his Pack N' Play up to our bedroom for his naps today as it is a little quieter and darker. This seems to have been a good move since he slept for two hours in the morning and an hour and a half in the afternoon.

These are a couple of pictures I have been meaning to post for a while, so they are not the most recent but thought you would enjoy them nonetheless.

Hope you three have a wonderful and long thanksgiving weekend.
