Monday, January 14, 2008

Something about today...

Something is very different about today and I can't quite put my finger on what it is. It's definitely not something as trivial as the light dusting of snow we're getting, or as joyous as Amelia becoming able to stand up now without holding onto props, and not quite as humorous as Zach practicing diligently to perfect his impression of R2D2 all morning.

Aha! Fred is not here!

Fred's absence has left an incredible void in the fundamental structure of Mr. Steve's Daycare. I haven't been able to shake the feeling that I'm forgetting something, as I'm sure most people experience upon having their responsibilities cut in half. Amelia has been searching high and low throughout the house to make sure that he isn't hiding under a pile of clothes somewhere and Zach is on keen lookout doing his version of a headstand (where he lays with his back on the floor and rolls his head back until his shoulders lift up. He gets a pretty decent vantage that way) to make sure Fred is not just sitting on one of the hall shelves or something. They haven't found him yet so they may perhaps be finally resigned to the fact that he not here.

We miss you Fred. At least we'll get to see you a few days next week.

In other news, Amelia can stand up now without holding onto props!! She's got great balance when she doesn't know she balancing. As soon as she realizes that both hands are clasped on her toy and not the couch, she topples like a vertigo viscacha. In my guestimation, it won't be but another month before she becomes a full fledged ambulator like ***sniff*** Fred.

Zach wants to be R2D2 for Halloween this year. The cute sounds that he is making these days are much more animated and conversational than those of just a couple weeks ago...oh and they're also very high pitched. I'm pretty sure that if I held a phone receiver up to his mouth when he squeals, someone somewhere would get a fax. He is definitely picking up on a lot of the words and sounds that Amelia is making. They should have a common working language between one another by weeks end. Ultimately they have no interest in learning my language when they are around each other, because, let's face it, their's is far more entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Fred had a curious and confused look in the morning when we dropped him off. Where am I? Where is Amelia and Zach? Most importantly where is Mr. Steve? He must be wondering. He would be glad to hear that his fellow students are learning new skills. But he is onto more dearing activities like climbing now. So when it's time for his visit, he'll have quite a few new tricks to amaze you.

    I was told later that he had a very active day for his first day with his new teacher, Jill. He played very hard with the dogs, made two short trips outside the house, and while inside he had the huge basement all to himself to explore. It will take him a few days to adjust to the new environment. He skipped his afternoon nap and was exhaused when he got home. But he'll be fine. Hope the best for the rest of the student body of Mr. Steve's daycare.
