Wednesday, January 2, 2008

School's in!

I'm dreaming of a white new year.

It's hard to imagine that any year could top the one we just had. So many wonderful things happened to us in 2007, can we just let it go and say goodbye that easily? Never fret, the greatest thing about the events that change our lives is we always get to carry them with us well into the years to come, no matter what happens. Often times these things will grow into bigger joys, changing our lives even more than we had initially imagined they could. Look forward and face unafraid the unknown and unwritten future beholding. You'll be glad you did. I promise.

That being said, farewell 2007, I can't wait to see what 2008 brings.

School's back in session today! I feel like I have two brand new students. Fred has a brand new haircut and is walking better than ASIMO now... Zach is able to stand up without being held (for a moment or two) however doesn't have a new haircut. On top of that, both of the kids are still glowing from the fabulous festivities they had with their families on Christmas. I saw some pictures of Zach with his extended family and it looked like a merry old time. Cheers to all and everyone.

We spent the morning doing some Baby Einstein flash cards with Elijah who is home on the second week of his extended winter break. All the tots were excited about the pictures on the cards but even more so about Elijah, who is a human entertainment system in and of himself. He has more energy than the entire Mr. Steve daycare faculty and students combined and inherited a few of his dad's clown genes, so naturally I harness that power to provided meaningful edutainment for the younger. It would be a shame not to exploit harness an untapped resource such as this.

Even though all of the kids are a little bit sad to be away from at least one of their parents today, I can tell that they are happy to see one another and having a grand old time, thus.

Until then.

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