Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why Blog?

I spent the last eight years in a cubicle where to be sitting in front of a computer writing something is to be fulfilling ones destiny. Whether it be loss descriptions, underwriting guidelines, or insurance applications you aren't earning money unless your fingers are tapping. Now that I'm home all day, why should it be any different? Old habits die hard and kicking, so long as you keep reading, I'll keep writing.

One thing that was lost without any uncertainty in my metamorphosis from insurance mule to baby professional was my propensity for the daily facial depiliation. Being in direct genetic lineage of Barbarossa affords me in the span of a month whiskers thick enough to ward attacks from saber tooth tigers. Oh yes, Mr Steve's ancestors thrived in the ice age. My latest experiment was to see how long I could go without shaving at all. After holding out for more than a month and looking somewhere in between Jerry Garcia and Grizzly Adams this trend was brought to an abrupt end with but a mere question from my wife, "When are you going to shave that thing?"

Yesterday morning after the kids went down for nap, I got out the wool sheers and peeled away the layers of winter accumulation. When Zachary and Amelia awoke, both of them were simply stunned and confused about who it was exactly that has come to pick them up out of their sleeping quarters. Zach eventually warmed up to me but it appears that Amelia is still a little apprehensive and wants to make sure that I am not just some guy who does a really good impression of her dad but looks nothing like him.



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