Thursday, March 6, 2008

I always wanted a pet monkey

In addition to learning some of the more popular words in our language, Amelia has taken in interest in learning some of the languages of the animal world as well. The impression which started it all was that of an elephant, but to be honest, it sounds a little more like low horsepower motorboat. She is also a fluent speaker of cow, snake, and monkey. It is common knowledge that the human genome is but a few nucleotides heavier than that of a chimpanzee so it should come as no surprise that some of the words of their similar languages could sometimes get mixed up. Specifically the word uh-oh. If, instead of sounding the second syllable, one just repeats the first in succession a few times, they have altered the word from the human language meaning "oops" to the chimp word meaning "I own you". The circumstance in which this mistake is most commonly made by my little Amelia is when she is eating and "accidentally" overturns her plate of peas onto the floor following it up with an "uh uh uh uh". It is quite possible the most apropos error in language I have ever heard.


  1. Love your blog which gives us a glimpse of our favorite Columbus granddaughter. So sweet to see her and Zack together. They really look like they have bonded. Thanks for making our day. Mom and Dad
