Friday, March 21, 2008


As you can probably tell, I've been somewhat 7734 bent on getting Zachary's crawling gears switched from reverse to drive. In my experience, a baby's entire attitude changes and a great deal of confidence is gained once they can start seeing the direction they're moving. Zach appears ready for such a revelation. This morning I came up with the brilliant plan of setting up Zach on his fours with feet to the couch. "Surely if this gentleman Zach is to be so inclined to move any one direction, forward shall he be bound", I thought to myself...verbatim. Not two minutes later he began protesting loudly about how I was infringing on his rights as a baby and am vastly outnumbered according to his most recent census. There was no way to reason with him on the issue and it was all a little bit scary, so I moved him to back where he wanted to go.

You've won this round. Next time, Mr. Zachary. Next time.

1 comment:

  1. That's the greatest picture of Zach fitting the "You've won this round!" Perfect! Of course we also think Amelia is pretty cute too! Did you cut your own hair? If so you are very brave man and you did a great job! Love, Mom
