Monday, March 10, 2008


It's been an exciting weekend on the home front but not all of the welcome variety. Thursday last Nadine was involved in an auto accident on the freeway where her car hit the concrete divider and flipped over. Fortunately no bones were broken and she was able to walk away from it with some muscle and ligament sprain, from which she is already beginning to recover. The images of the event will take much longer to overcome I'm sure. In its very least, it is a double lesson to all you kiddies out there: always buckle up AND Honda makes some very safe vehicles. Nadine thanks all of you for your sympathy and support. You guys rock.

I could go on and on about this, but it really has nothing to do with anything daycare related. So, instead of inciting an investigation by the blog police...


We now return to our regularly scheduled program.


  1. Hi Steve and Nadine,

    I've been lurking on your blog since Mom sent me the URL a couple of weeks ago, but I just had to post.... Holy Frijoles! I am so glad that Nadine is ok.

    We had an accident on Saturday, but it was more of a "not making it to the bathroom on time" incident on Abby's part. I wish that's all you had to deal with.

    Hope everything is getting better.

    -- Bonnie

  2. I am sad to hear about Nadine's accident. Thank goodness she has no lasting injuries.

    Thanks for the report, Steve! I was wondering about the details, and Nadine's injuries.


  3. I am so shocked to hear this. I hope Nadine feels better now.

  4. We are glad to hear things are getting back to normal. Close calls make you realize how important the people in your lives are to you! Please keep on being careful! Sending lots of love, Karen

  5. Wow Nadine, sorry to hear about your accident. Thank God you had a great Honda that kept you from being seriously injured. Keep me posted on your progress. I fell at work last Sunday and hobble around with crutches (injured my right foot).
    Love Aunt Inge

  6. Thank you all for thinking of me. I am doing well - really well, considering the circumstances.

    Love, Nadine
