Friday, March 14, 2008


Knock knock.

Who's there?

Record 20 inch snowfall.

Record 20 inch snowfall who?

Record 20 inch snowfall who is in the process of melting into millions of gallons of water with absolutely no where to go cascading over the already completely saturated earth.

Not funny? Well, it's even less so for those whose basements are filling with water. Sump pump sales are skyrocketing. Dehumidifiers are working overtime. People are changing their socks with much greater frequency.

Though it did all make for an interesting jog down to the river yesterday. After braving raging runoff streams and puddles the size of poodle egos, Zach, Amelia, and I finally made it down to the river to witness the spectacle of 2008's great melt. One thing I learned from the experience is that my jogging stroller badly needs some mud flaps. I was thinking of getting some of the 18 wheeler variety with a picture of Yosemite Sam saying, "Varmints on board" or perhaps a chrome silhouette of a pacifier. Either will work. Let me know if you find them.


  1. The cascading water you speak of has made a rather large pond of our backyard. Our doggies are enjoying the foot-deep mud puddles, but we are not enjoying the mud puddles they try to bring into the house!

    Nice video of the raging river! I wish you luck in finding some suitable mud flaps.


  2. Impressive indeed! It has really come up since I was there in February and we thought that was impressive. In the words of one famous Elijah Lothrop, or should I say "word"-"Wow"!
    Loved the mudflap discussion! Mom
