Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monkey Tuesday

It really is amazing how within the span of a week a baby can metamorphose into a toddler right before your very eyes. Zach is resembling less and less the baby of yore and more the toddler of today in both action and appearance. Perhaps the most striking are his chompers which are multiplying like gremlins in those sore little gums of his. Perhaps he was finally getting tired of all the liqui-food I've been giving him and decided he might just be ready for a steak.

In addition to his pearly whites, he is also showing great wisdom and proficiency in the area of the monkey walk. "What is the monkey walk?" you ask.



  1. You have a busy time there don't you? Sounds a little like "monkey see monkey do" as well as monkey walk. Such cuties! Zack looks determined to hang with the big kids! Keep up the good work. Love and hugs, Mom

  2. Love it....that is too cute!

    Do you have a brother in the NC area? We could use such an involved daycare provider here! :)
    Lucky Zach!
