Friday, July 18, 2008

Fast Forward Friday

My memory card in my camera is full. It's time to dump my assorted pictures and videos onto my hard drive. While I do that, let me give you a brief run down of this week's events; tennis camp, baby lap time, blocks, baseball, brownies, the park, the pool, a short story written, several novels read, running along the river, met Jen a.k.a. Zach's mom for lunch, Craig's list items sold, art projects, band practice, backgammon, and Benjamin.

It went that quickly, too.

But what kind of day care provider would I be to leave out the most significant development of the week. This of course is the news of Zachary's first step. His first official tread on terra firma was this past weekend when he walked from his dad to his mum. I'm certainly glad both of them were able to witness such a milestone in the creation of being who, in time, will become much quicker and more agile than they could ever hope to be. Did I mention slippery? Yeah, they become really slippery, too.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how I have missed your blog, maybe because we have had company, and I have been getting organized from my latest jaunt to Maine. Commenting on your blog piece-I know how weeks go, you think back and everything seems to have been in fast forward mode.. When you recount all that happened in a week, it makes you tired! Loved all the pictures, but especially liked the one with Elijah, holding Amelia. What darlings! Love, Mom
