Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hello, my old friend.

What is that really bizarre sound? I can't quite put my finger on it. It sounds so strangely familiar but seems as though months have passed since I heard it last. Let me ask Elijah if he knows what is causing it...oh, that's right, Elijah is at the library with his friend, Evan. Hmm, perhaps Amelia and Zachary might be able to shed some light on the subject... no, that won't work either as they're both asleep for their naps at the same exact time today. Maybe you can help me figure this out as I'm sure you've heard it before. It's a very distinctive sound and doesn't resemble any of the noises which come from books on cd, tvs, lego dot coms, bouncy zebras, music choices, leap pads, leap tables, leapsters, learning cubes, little people sets, screams, laughs, cries, jokes, jingles, jabs, or any other sounds which emanate from the surprisingly loud cavern appearing under little tots noses. How about you, Simon and Garfunkel, do you know what that sound is?

1 comment:

  1. Ah ha, it took me a while to get it! But you are right the phrase silence is Golden hits the mark! I loved today's pictures. Amelia looks like she could be the poster child for mid-western farmers!. Hope you got to enjoy more than just a minute of "goldenness" Love, Mom
