Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The zoo was a zoo

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my...but no giraffe. Yesterday was about as perfect a day as we get in these parts of central Ohio with a well balanced mix of warm sun and a cool breeze. Especially considering the next 7 days will be rainy, it was quite a pleasant coincidence that it happened to fall on the same day as Elijah's school field trip. Your humble narrator, his wife, and two babies met up with Elijah's class to chaperon their zoo outing with hopes that we would return with the exact same number of children we set out with. It is my pleasure to announce that we succeeded in that mission despite our being there on the same day as every other kindergarten class in the entire state. Aside from a couple of heart attacks brought on by Elijah's classmate wandering off to explore other exhibits unannounced and there being no giraffes for him to look at, we all still had a fantastic time.
Zachary seemed especially fond of the Asian water monitor whose tail swished through the water like a giant eel. His eyes were completely transfixed on every movement of the large black lizard the entire time we stood there. Whenever the tail came sweeping toward him, Zach's legs would kick in his usual excited fashion as he squealed with delight. I think we have figured what Zach wants his first pet to, if he can just get around mom's power of veto.
The tigers were Amelia's favorite especially since one of them was actively pacing around it's pen waiting for lunch. The tiger would walk directly toward the glass where she was standing giving the impression that it was coming straight for her and then turn away at the last second. I was a little intimidated by this ferocious feline but not Amelia. As the tiger s over to the other side of the cage Amelia held up her fingers and started making clicking noises which is the same method she employs to attract our cat, equally ineffectual.

I've been trying to upload some videos for the last two hours to no avail. Either Google Blogger is hosed or the files are to big and making my computer's brain a little owey. Either way, no videos today. Sorry. Here are your consolation pictures.

Go Swarm. Our last soccer game was this past Saturday. They did great!!

Mother's day at the conservatory.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Steve, it's not Mom's powers of veto that matter when it comes to all things reptilian or amphibious :-) The boy best not get TOO attached to monitors or salamanders or turtles or (shudder) snakes!
