Thursday, May 15, 2008

Strong Gravity Day

Gravity can be a cruel mistress if in the process of familiarizing oneself with the mysterious bond between legs and inner ear. Evidently we are without the aid of the moon's anti-gravity today in our neck of the world and everything seems just a tad heavier than usual. Zach and Amelia are both feeling the additional pull earthward and have taken their subsequent spills here and there as a result. Amelia finally realized that the short half hour nap she took in the morning in combination with the heaviness was becoming a costly liability and finally turned in for what is sure to be a record setting afternoon slumber. Good thing, too. I was one tumble away from taping pillows to the sides of her head. Zach, not having near the distance to the floor, fared much better under these conditions and could be fully armored in his Red Sox hoodie. Nonetheless, it is all pretty exhausting, even for a spunky little man like him.

Tikki Tavi, on the other, hand is thrilled about the strong gravity day and has not come out from under the high chairs since breakfast.


  1. LoL! :)

    'ello there!

    I had linked to your site through my cousin Katie's (a family in need)....she had mentioned that Jen (also a wonderful cousin) had a daycare provider that "blogs" as well. So I jumped on to catch up and see some great vdeo (and pics) of Zach. (Ryan and Jen seemes to have forgotten they have ANOTHER cousin in N.C I NEVER get emails or updates *poke poke at Jen and Ryan* I appeciate that you take the time to do it!

    As a fellow bloggre I can attest to the wonderful memories you are preserving with your wonderful stories and adorable pictures!!

    Hi to Jen and Ryan....and in case you DIDN'T catch it above....that WAS a hint about pictures! :) LOL Love you guys! ~ :)

  2. P.S You would have thought I would have learned to spell check before I post....nope.
