Monday, June 2, 2008

Want to help with our garage sale in 2012?

To be the first grandchild on both mom's and dad's side affords some privileges not privy to most other kids except perhaps for their younger siblings. One of such spoils is receiving all the pent up toy purchases that grandparents had been itching to make for the last eighteen years. Elijah is one such of these lucky fellows and has accumulated a plethora of toys over the years, most of which we held onto foreseeing possible future baby/ies in the picture. Even with our living room full of the most recent birthday offerings, we haven't even yet broken into the bins in our basement filled with enough Little People toys to create an actual life size replica of Los Angeles. It can be overwhelming at times, when trying to figure out which are within the range of being age appropriate, fun, or the least weapon-like; and when to rotate them out. Furthermore,trying to find out which ones have the coveted rechargeable batteries when a new toy enters the home is like searching for a beetle in a Sleestak. To Zach and Amelia's joy,though, they always have plenty of things to explore and occupy themselves throughout the day, no matter which ones we need to make disappear.

So, which toy is their favorite of the bunch? That's easy...which ever toy the other one is playing with right now.


  1. LOL...isn't that the way it always always want what someone else has.

    The pictures are adorable, and let me tell you my kids have been playing with (and still do) little people since they were about 1. My son is now almost 6 and still likes to play with the cars, garages, houses, vans, etc. Keep them around...they will come in handy!:)

  2. Steve and Little Ones,
    Toys, Toys, Toys, That is so funny. I was just talking to Jen on the web cam last night and was saying that Zack has taken over the living room with all his toys!!!! How funny that your blog is about the same thing. Things just seem to appear and you have less and less living space, But the joys of watching them learn and grow is priceless. My little Zack is starting to look like a little man instead of a baby. They grow so fast. Have fun and enjoy playing with the toys while you can because they do grow so fast Thank-You Steve, you are taking such good care of my grandson. Please give him a hug for me and tell him his MeMa loves and misses him!!!
    Cindy ( MeMa)

  3. Humm! "Little People". I think I remember some "parents" who were quite fond of these-not to mention any names! Anyway-we can relate to how toys multiply. I think there are chemicals in the toy boxes that make that happen-a very strange phenomenon! I thought you were going to say the favorite toys were pots, pans and spoons. Great entry and of course the kids melt our hearts.Amelia will obviously be a fashion maven. Thanks for taking the time to keep us amused. Love, Grammie
