Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hi, honey. How's Boston?

A big congrats to the Boston Celtics on the ending of their 22 year title-less drought yesterday evening. It was a powerful performance to end the season and, on top of that, a few NBA records set to boot. Great job, guys, and not just the Boston three party.

We have been in soccer camp the last couple of days, well, at least Elijah has. Amelia, Zach and I have been along for the ride to cheer big brother on. Being on the sidelines has brought on the most challenging task ever posed to toddlers; how to remain a non-participating spectator. Elijah and all his teammates make soccer look like so much fun that it's hard for Zach and Amelia to not to want to join in. Amelia immediately grabs a ball and runs out on the field to join them with Zach crawling close behind (although Zach usually stops before he gets there to pick a clover blossom and try to eat it). To keep them on our picnic blanket, I employ the only method I can think of to divert their attention away from the big kids playing, which is, of course, snacks. As long as they stay hungry, they will stay close by their biter biscuits, wagon wheels, and veggie crisps. When they get filled up and tired of watching other kids have fun, I load them into the double jogger and explorer the neighborhood until camp lets out. It is these times, consequently, for which I am thankful to no longer be a Florida resident.


  1. I absolutely love the picture of Amelia with the sunglasses. Thanks for including that one. For those who don't know - this picture was taken last weekend at the Clintonville Park of Roses, Rose Festival.
    I love you, babe!!!

  2. Go Celtics! I'm sure Ron and his mom were glued to the t.v. in Hope, Alaska where they attended Shannon's wedding yesterday. It's a good thing the wedding wasn't on Tuesday, otherwise they would have had to miss it! They are four hours behind in the Anchorage area so it wouldn't have been a pretty sight.
    You are a brave sort taking the wee ones to Elijah's soccar camp. It was challenging enough with just Amelia when Elijah had his practice and game in April.

    Loved the pictures and video. I may just be hearing things but I think Amelia was trying to say, I love you Elijah! (Grandmothers are so darn prejudiced aren't they?)Sorry I missed the Rose Festival and the kettle corn. I'm sure the roses will still be beautiful next week. As they say south of the border (that is in south Orlando) Hasta la vista! (Arnold added the "baby"). Grammie
