Friday, June 13, 2008

Schools out for ever

In case I forgot to tell you, which I have, school is out for the summer. This means there are now three youngsters in the house, one of those having a share on computer time making it even more difficult to rap at you nap time. Speaking of which, he is right now leaning over my shoulder asking, "Are you done yet? Are you done yet? Are you done yet?"

Yes, Elijah. I'm done.


  1. Hey, Steve,
    Those babies don't need you at all, Amelia looks more that capable of taking care of Zack! Not sure that Zack gets it though, so guess you'd better stick around! Hi Elijah, Happy School Vacation! Look forward to seeing you all soon. Love, Grammie

  2. I have been sharing computer time with my 5 year old since he was 2, and discovered MMC could ALSO be watched on the computer AND there were games to play! He figured them out the little bugger, and now EVERY morning I hear "mom why are you always on the computer? When is it MY turn?"
    Like we don't do this EVERY day...*sigh*

    Trust me..It DOESN'T get better! :) LOL
