Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Speed round

Remember when you were a kid and you had that one older cousin who would throw a baseball at you when you least expected and say "think fast!"? I have now worked my way up to a rank similar to that of older cousin, but, don't worry, I will give you a quick heads up before the baseball comes whipping toward your nose. Think fast.

Our fireplace finally has some competition for Zach's attention. The fish tank has become his new favorite place of pilgrimage and he actually enjoys being in his high chair now where he can see all of the fish eye to eye. Goldie, which is the one fish in the tank in possession of a name who also appears to be the most sickly (in accordance with Murphy's law) is usually swimming in little circles and barrel rolls (I'm not a vet or anything but I'm pretty sure that's not a good sign) over near Zach's side of the tank keeping him entertained for the time it takes me to get lunch ready. Hang on Goldie, Goldie hang on.

Yesterday evening, Elijah and I went on a bike ride up to my favorite coffee shop to get a couple pounds of beans. As we rode along the sidewalk through our neighborhood, I saw up ahead a dip with a small concrete curb ramp on the other side. Since I still have some residual adrenaline coursing through my veins from watching Evel Knievel as a kid, I decided to pull up the handlebars and jump it. Boy, was it fun. A few seconds later I heard Elijah's voice pipe up from behind me, "Dad, you're not setting a very good example." His point was reluctantly taken.

I'm pleased to say that we are somewhat back on track with Amelia's potty training. Today was the first time in about five months that she went pee on her potty. Of course, the lid was closed and she was standing on it, but at least she made the connection of being at the right place at the right time. We'll work out the details later.

Did you catch it?


1 comment:

  1. I didn't see this one until I was babysitting this morning for the Orlando grandkids. Cute about Amelia's use of the potty and the fish description. The fish all looked quite perky to me! Agressive little things though! Love, "G"
