Thursday, February 28, 2008


I've put off going to Target for as long as I can, I'm afraid. We're completely out of Method high efficiency laundry detergent and I'm hesitant to use the thick as molasses knock off Dreft detergent that we have left in our basement. Every time I use it my washing machine motor gets hosed and it takes me a few weeks to get it running properly again. Laundry is piling up. Necessity elicits action. After lunch Zach, Amelia, and I will be running some errands. Yeah, I know this all makes quite boring reading material but I'm hoping that by writing it I will be committed to actually doing it rather than saying I need to. I'll let you know how it works out for me.

(Side note: I just got back from Target, so obviously it worked thus proving that you have a 3:1 greater chance of achieving your goals if you write them down. This ratio was derived by scientific method wherein I had been meaning to go to the store for the last 3 days but was unable)

I have learned a couple new things about Mr Zachary today. The first being that he can get anywhere he wants to go. For instance if he wants to get himself across the room over to our cat Tikki Tavi who happens to be sunning herself in a rare Ohio winter sunbeam he can spin, roll, and scoot right over to her. The second thing I learned about Mr. Zachers today is that he has really strong hands. For instance if that same infinitely patient cat doesn't run away and gets her tail grabbed by a little Zach monster, it is really hard to pry it from his iron grip. Tikki Tavi didn't budge an inch. There's either something really wrong with our cat's head or she just likes sunbeams that much.

P.S. Amelia says "hi".

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