Monday, December 10, 2007

December 10th

As quickly as the snow descended upon us, it has left us almost entirely with the great weekend melt. The once proud snowmen standing in our front yard are all but a handful of oversized random snowballs. Blankets of white have been replaced with blankets of wet. Much like the story of the famed snowman Frosty, however, we had a blast while it lasted.

It's full house again today (Friday there was only Fred and Amelia, as Zach had some shots to attend to. I'm sure he was as brave as he could be and only cried as long as he absolutely had to). All three clans are represented. It's as pure a symbiosis as any you would find in Nature, with Fred and Amelia perfectly content with ogling Zach and of course Zach perfectly content with ogling his motion activated light up star triggered by Fred and Amelia hanging onto the sides of his pack n' play. I'm not even sure I'm a necessary component of this entire equation...well, aside from the meal preparation, naptime coordination, diaper updates, comfort hugs, Christmas carols, and vaudeville dancing.

Over the weekend I purchased a new (to me) changing table from (best website ever) for the downstairs making it much more convenient to change any one of hundred or so diapers I attend to in a day. Upon the first couple of uses I was convinced that the table had magical properties. Instead of the usual wrestling match I get from the two older babies, I got full cooperation and stillness. Amazing, yes? I thought so...until I realized that the only reason that they were not struggling was because the table is positioned across from our Christmas tree in full lighted splendor. If the tree continues to elicit this kind of behavior, I may be convinced to leave it up year round.

Hope weekends were great all around yet not slighted by the inevitable greatness of this week.

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