Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Babes in Toyland

Elijah, the elder, is toy crazy. Every new store we venture into has at least one new toy he hadn't seen before, which he wishes to add to his wish list. He has changed his mind more times in a week than a central Ohio weatherman. Santa just can't keep up and is running low on white out.

Since both of our minds are on toys for the moment, I thought it might be fun to do a comparison to see which toy of Christmas past or future might best resemble each of the Mr. Steve Daycare three.

Some toys have incredible determination and a mind of their own and then there are others that sit in a box. Fred is definitely not the latter of the two. Fred would best be likened to a toy that appeared on my 7th year wish list. The LJN Rough Rider's 4 by 4 battery operated monster truck. So long as Fred is awake he is always moving in whatever direction he wants to go. It doesn't matter which obstacles are in his way, he'll just climb right over them with his four wheel (leg) drive. But even better than the Rough Rider 4X4 which freezes like a Galapagos tortoise as soon as you flip it over, Fred is far better adapted to all terrains whether backwards or forwards. Clearly, Fred would win in any off roading contest were the Rough Rider ever foolish enough to challenge him to one.

There are toys you love right out of the box, and none more than G.I. Joe Zachary. The resemblance you will notice first and foremost is that both are always smiling (You would never know it from any of my pictures so far, as he tends to get a little shy when the camera's on him). He's got the handsome and trustworthy look of someone you would happily lend you're car keys to...well, in about eighteen years or so. In addition, much like the freshly assembled GI Joe, whose joints are not quite broken in and loose, Zachary stands as stiffly as an Easter Island moai. He'd rather stand than sit any day of the week. I'm guessing that he will be like Elijah and go right to walking without messing around with that whole crawling thing...all the good stuff is on the higher up shelves anyway.

Amelia's alter ego toy is a little more slippery. So slippery in fact, that she's nearly impossible to hold, much like the Hasbro Swirl Motion Water Snake. You know, those balloons that squirm out of your hands onto the floor when you try to pick them up. That's Amelia. She never wants to cuddle with her dad or mom and would rather be exploring around the house. No matter how you hold her, she will continue to struggle until you set her down. Then she's off to go laugh with Elijah whose usually yelling, "Roar, Amelia, Roar!" and not using his inside voice. Santa is watching, always.

Oh yeah...that and she's a little bit squishy.

1 comment:

  1. One of these days I am going to figure out how to leave a comment on this website, but so far I haven't mastered it. I get such a kick out of your descriptions, Steve, how can you possibly think so deeply early in the morning, and I bet without that first cup of Java! You go, guy. Love, Mom
