Friday, April 25, 2008

"Ich bein ein rock star"- Robbie Williams (who ironically is not a rock star)

An interesting phenomena it is that if you take care of two babies normally and one stays home, it suddenly feels as if caring for the other is as easy as a take-n-bake pie. Yep, it's just me and Amelia today on the home front. Lucky little Zach gets to hassle dad at home today while dad tries to squeeze in a teleconference here and an pie chart there. Pie, pie, pie. Oh and, by the way, Ryan, go get Zach away from the fireplace. I'm pretty sure that's where he is right now.

Amelia is going to assist me in writing some songs today while we sit outside and jam acoustic style. I just recently switched into a new band and, as of yet, we have no full compositions completed. Fortunately all three of us have some really great ideas for songs and seem to have very compatible musical styles. In my experience, finding band mates that you gel with is much more difficult than getting the songs together once you discover the right people. You will be informed of any developments, I'm sure, but don't count on any Sonny and Cher covers.

May the road rise with ye.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Zack, you are really getting quite verbal, good for you, you and Amelia will be having some great conversations in the near future. Glad to hear you are in a new band, Steve, hopefully you can meld or morph into something fine. Love, Mom
