Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April Showers

As a writer, I have come to recognize a blinking cursor as possibly the most uninspiring object on the planet. If you have no subject to start with but still happen to sit down at a computer to stare at a blank word document for a little while, you can almost bet that the next 70 words to grace the screen will be on par with a prize horse's rear.

..but let me get back to you on that. I have some real issues to talk about.

This morning I've been busy taking inventory of all of the fun things Amelia, Zach and I can do once it stops snowing. It appears, yet again, that the proverbial carrot of spring dangled in front of us over the last two weeks was only a carrot shaped object and not the genuine article.
It all started to go downhill yesterday, which was, of course, the day I promised Nadine I would take the truck down for an oil change and walk the tots back home for their naps. Like Tony Montaña as seen on TBS, all I have in this world are my eyeballs and my word and I don't break them for nobody, so, naturally, I had to make good on my promise. After breakfast, we packed up the stroller with some warm blankets, drove down to Lüber Alles auto shop, dropped off the truck, and began our journey back to the house. As the 40 something degree wind blown rain whipped across Zach, Amelia, and I, one of us mentioned that it really wasn't the best day to be doing somethings like this and we should probably jog...no, sprint...back to the house as quickly as possible. I forgot to mention that our home is atop the steepest hill in Central Ohio (Hey, I already know that this area is flat because of an ancient glacier, don't ruin my story) and it can feel even steeper when you're running full bore with cold wet wind in your face. After what felt like an hour of maximum physical exertion I finally arrived at our doorstep. Soaking, numb, and wheezing, I unloaded a smiling Zach and Amelia from their seats and stepped inside my warm living room to do some jumping jacks...just kidding, I laid on the floor panting like a loyal couch potato dog who just spent the day keeping pace with his marathon running owner. A minute or so later, I saw Amelia over by the window start to laugh at something outside and heard what sounded like a bag of marbles in the dryer. I popped up and scooted to the window to see what all the racket was. We had missed being caught in a hail storm by just a few minutes.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for some pilgrims.

aprilshowers> mayflowers> pilgrims

Zach's favorite place.

Act II

Amelia had a diaper to be changed and Mr. Steve was just the one to change it. As he unfastened the onesie snap, he most curiously discovered that she had a small cube of cheese stuck into her bellybutton.

'At lunch she told me she was full and couldn't eat any more. I shouldn't have made her eat that last one', he thought to himself.

Your guess of how or why she put it there is as good as mine.


  1. Loved it!
    Aaron, your cousin, used to stick squares of cheese to the television screen when he had had enough! What is it with cheese? Is there some way we can market this? The big mystery is, if Amelia had on a "onesie" how did it end up in her navel? Babies are so enigmatic!
