Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So long

When you go through "contacts" listing of your cell phone, do you sometimes see names you would love to call and just say, "hi" to, but it has  been too long since you have spoken and you're not really sure if you still have anything in common with them anymore? Do you feel like a call out of the blue would be too awkward to bear and you might just end up trying to force small talk about the weather or news? Well, if you are anything like me, I enjoy hearing from long lost friends even just to tell me they are OK; or even if they want to tell me they're not OK, I am all ears either way. 
At least I hope you're like me, because today I am that long lost friend calling out of the blue after a multiple week hiatus from the blogosphere.
So how is the weather where you are?
Yeah? Here, too. 
Wow, so how about that Obama, eh? Yeah, tell me about it!
OK, then. Great talking to you. 
Go Gators!
Bye, now.  

Oh, you're still here? Good. Because this week is a momentous week in history and you should dedicate the next minute or so to reading so you can find out why. 

This approaching Friday will see my prize pupil graduate to begin attending an institute of higher learning (which happens to be much closer to his home). Yes, Zach will be moving to his new daycare at weeks end to sorrowful goodbyes on the parts of myself and his best bud, Amelia. 

It's amazing to think back to when he first arrived at my doorstep wrapped in a blanket, laying in a bread basket with a note attached reading, "I like mac and cheese"... no, just kidding, his parents have way more social grace than that. It was a Longaberger.

Those were fun times indeed, with Fred, Zach and Amelia, the spunky three, keeping me on my toes all day long. While it was three times the fun at play time, it was also a bit tricky to manage on occasion, what with me having only two hands and all. Parents of triplets, my hat is off to you. 

After Fred left, though, it was just Amelia and Zach, who have become very close. It's a funny kind of relationship in which I believe Amelia thinks of Zach as her son and Zach thinks of Amelia as some type of ogre. Granted she is a super cute ogre who is fun to play with, but an ogre nonetheless. And it is of no fault of her own, as it is only because she is a bit taller than he. The height difference can be a little intimidating sometimes when you're the little guy on the playground, though. Fortunately, for Zach, he has always had an even taller friend than the tallest kid in school who also happened to be a peaceful mediator and could resolve any territorial disputes with book time, crayon art, or snacks. 
All in all, despite any disagreements they have over who gets the "rootin' tootin' pig racer mobile" they have interacted wonderfully with each other and are both happier as a result of having their everyday play-date in a type of kinship only siblings can share. 

Zach, we will miss you buddy. And remember this advice for the future, never feel like you can't call just because it's been a long time. I will always love to hear from you.


  1. bye Zach - we'll all miss you!!

  2. What a sweet little buddy for Amelia. They will miss each other, but we wish Zack well in his new digs! It's been a great ride! Loved your description of it Mr. Steve! Love, Grammie
