Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hi, my name is...

Few persons throughout history have been lucky enough to have their own announcer to give a proper personal introduction whenever they enter the room. Johnny Carson had Ed McMahon, Simon Cowell has Ryan Seacrest, and Slim Shady has Eminem... What? Those are the same person? Who's Marshall Mathers then? Oh, I see. Alright, let's strike that last example and move on.
Recently acquiring membership along with those sacred few in this ridiculously exclusive club is our very own Zach-o. His announcer, of course, is none other than little Ms. Amelia. The past several times people have stopped to comment how cute the both of them are, which happens a lot because, let's face it, it's completely true, Amelia immediately points at Zach and exclaims, "Zshaah" (which translates to Zach, for those of you who do not speak Babinese). On cue, Zach cracks his widest smile and waves at his adoring crowd to much ooh-ing and ahh-ing. Then the bystander inquires as to whether or not they are twins, to which I exclaim, "They are twins, but they were born five months apart." The person then slowly and inconspicuously sashays away with a polite but apprehensive smile.
Now, If I can just teach Zach a couple jokes, he can be promoted from appearing in the bloggity blog blog to late night TV. Zach could invite me on as a special guest. Well...guest, anyway.
Heard any good ones lately?


  1. Loved the blog. Elijah looks so grown up in his new soccer uniform-Gator orange (almost). Amelia is quite the singer isn't she? I guess I will have to send her her own cards now since she seems so intensely interested. Zack is adorable too, as always. It is funny that people think they might be twins-but obviously that might be possible. Amanda was always quite a bit bigger than her twin, Travis and since they are boy and girl they don't have to look alike. You could always say they were twins but had different fathers and mothers-that would be cause for pause! Thanks for making our day. Grammie

  2. Steve and entourage,
    Zach and Amelia look so cute together!! I guess that you could mistake them for twins. You are as always keeping us grandmothers entertained. Thank-You for keeping me updated on your outings and the kids acting like kids. It keeps you young and keeps you very active. Please give Zach a big hug from his MeMa.

  3. Tooooo cute!!! It's been a while since I have had a chance to jump on and catch up...but it is So great to see (and read) how well Zach is doing. And your daughter....she just takes the cake in cuteness!!!
    Thanks for sharing (and amusing) us, and please keep it coming! :)

    P.S Hi Jen and Ryan! :)
