Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lead Singer Wanted

Remember last spring when I told you about my plan to paint the house? Well, that didn't exactly happen on schedule. What I can say, though, is that a considerable amount of prep work was accomplished in the additional year of procrastination thanks to our old pals Mr. Golden Sun and Mrs. Arctic Wind. In fact, the paint of the entire east end of our house peeled away in one giant wall shaped sheet. The layered paint was so thick, I was able to lean it up against the garage and make a twelve foot quarter pipe skateboard ramp out of it. Now all the neighborhood kids have a place to shred without getting hassled by the man.

The thick paint, however useful it may be in creating the next site for the upcoming x-games, does stir up some concerns about the possibility of lead content, and since our home was built in an era when everything, including baby pacifiers, was made from lead, the possibility easily enters the realm of probability. Rats.

Having never scraped and sanded a house before, much less, one coated in a neurotoxin, I am feeling a little bit anxious about working the task with a two year old around. I want, more than anything, for someone to tell me I am being ridiculous about this and that lead paint is not nearly as bad as California seems to think it is.



  1. Here's what some experts say about lead paint:

    You may have to log in to see the post but they won't spam you especially if you accidentally misspell your email address.

    Lead is not dangerous as long as you're not eating or breathing it.

  2. I cant believe she got to ride a horsey.
    You have my daughter horribly jealous and DEMANDING that it is her turn. :)
    Love the pictures!

  3. Isabella (wrote her own name on the keyboard and wants to say hello. She liked the picture of the horse and wanted to print it our, maybe you could post it on Shutterfly and I can send her a picture. Good blogs. Love and hugs, Grammie visiting in Philly.
